This One Habit. Will make you Rich in no time
There lived a God loving bird in a very pitiable condition, lack of food and harsh weather made her too lean and thin difficult to even fly for few meters. Now one day this bird came across a saint , with a lot of hope to get a solution to her problems , she went to him and inquired about where he is heading to , looking at the bird he was able to make out what is going on within her so, very politely he said “ I know about the immense pain you are going through, there are a lot of questions running through your mind but I am not the right entity to answer those, surely on my meeting with God for which I am en route, on your be-half can ask whatever you want me to, may be then you get a clear picture about life”. The bird with a grateful heart told the saint to ask only one thing from the almighty , When is this pain going to end? . The glorified soul headed towards his destination with an assurance that he will meet her with the answer on his return.
Now on meeting God, the holy being narrated the whole story about the bird, the almighty with a gentle smile told him that for next 7 births the she has to go through this pain because of her destiny , the saint with a lot of disappointment asked that isn’t their any way for the feathered friend to get through this situation. The divinity nodded his head in denial and informed that one has to bear the fruits of their past Karma whether they like it or not but yes he suggested the saint to ask the bird to recite “Thankyou God ” whenever she happens to be in an unpleasant or hard situation . This mantra will provide her with strength to sail through the circumstances. After the discussion the angel left and headed back with a heavy heart as to how is he going to face her who has so much hope attached to the meeting.
As the saint arrived the bird without wasting any more time approached him with prying eyes, waiting for a way to end this circle of sufferings. He brought the bird to ease and told her that God has not provided any timeline as to when the agony would end but has given a Mantra that will help her get through it and for that to happen she was suppose to chant it whenever in grief . She thanked the saint for all the efforts he made and showing the way ahead.
Now as a true devotee she started following the path shown, no matter how painful things were at the start but she never failed to be grateful , even when her legs were severely hurt due to falling from a tree, when she was all alone struggling to get food and water in harsh conditions , not even once she missed to be thankful to god for the situation and the good it is going to bring. Days passed into months and months into year, again one day the saint chanced upon a beautiful and charming bird all happy and merry, in no time he was able to find out that she is the same birdie that he met a year ago . He was astonished to know about her current situation and was curious to understand what actually happened. So, he decided to meet the almighty after bidding adieu to the feathered friend.
“ You said her poor condition is not going to change for 7 births , than how miraculously was she able to turn the tables in one year ? please enlighten me GOD” the saint requested, the almighty told him that how the bird even though she was not convinced with your answer , she chanted “Thankyou God for this situation” whenever a challenge came her way , practicing this with time became her habit and due to this she started seeing opportunities even at time of distress, in search of food she flew through the desert and this action helped her find her new home in forest where food and shelter was in abundance , as the time passed her new feathers replaced the old ones . This all happened because of her gratefulness to whatever she had instead of complaining , this penance led to wash away all her bad karmas.
This story very clearly signifies the importance of being thankful. There is a very famous saying that you attract situations and people in your life that you are grateful for and vice versa. Research reveals that gratitude can lead to increased determination, energy, enthusiasm, and academic achievement. A review of 70 studies that include responses from more than 26,000 people found an association between higher levels of gratitude and lower levels of depression. Grateful people are rich in both physical and mental health, they share quality relationships with their near and dear ones and achieve remarkable growth in their careers because they are more likeable, they make better managers, which often means they enjoy more success.
Feelings of gratitude don’t always come naturally, especially in times of strife or struggle. But an attitude of gratitude is something we can cultivate in our lives through practice and intention.