Are you a Pseudo-Feminist?
In order to understand Pseudo-Feminism we need to first get clear about what feminism is actually . What is feminism ? Quite simply, feminism is about all genders having equal rights and opportunities.
It’s about respecting diverse women experiences, identities, knowledge and strengths, eventually striving to empower all women to realise their full rights.
It’s about levelling the playing field between genders, and ensuring that diverse women and girls have the same opportunities in life available to boys and men. Feminist political activists campaign in areas such as reproductive rights, domestic violence, fairness, social justice, and workplace issues such as family medical leave, equal pay, sexual harassment and discrimination. Nowadays , we very often come across on twitter, facebook and other social platforms debates on who is a pro and anti feminist, debates on fake or pseudo feminism and what not. At first even I was ignorant about this whole topic , though I did stumble upon the #metoo movement memoirs of various eminent personalities it began gaining prominence in India with the increasing popularity of the international movement, and later gathered sharp momentum in October 2018 in the entertainment industry of Bollywood, centered in Mumbai, when actress Tanushree Dutta accused Nana Patekar of sexual harassment.
Now as this movement gained momentum females from different strata of the society started sharing their horrifying stories of violence, exploitation, sexual harassment , now with this exposure we also noticed few controversial and polarising views on this matter, which with time was coined as Pseudo-feminism. Pseudo-feminism suggests that women deserve more respect, or people of other sexes do not deserve respect which is very destructive for the society as well because it will meaninglessly spread hatred and discord among genders and again accentuate the gap between them instead of decreasing it .
Now there are signs were you can easily spot a Pseudo-Femisnist
They don’t believe in social, political and economical equality of sexes like the original concept but in misandry which is hatred towards men and wanting power over them in society. They want to be the dominating force in their houses, offices, colleges and everywhere else hiding behind the veils of feminism. The whole idea will be against men like He broke up with her, all men are dogs! Rapes and domestic abuses only happen to women and all men are same! All men propagate misogyny and can not be feminist! He’s the man he must be at fault! Wives can shout on husbands but a husband doing as such should be behind bars. Sons should be taught to do household chores but don’t teach daughters to pay for family expenses.
Its acceptable when a girl is looking for a well -settled , high income boy to marry but it becomes extremely retrogressive for a man to look for a home-maker spouse. Finding a life partner is a personal perspective of an individual that allows him to choose a partner according to his own preferences with whom he feels comfortable spending his life with and it is really not necessary that he seeks a working woman as you think he should.
Yes, unlike the popular perception, pseudo feminist hate the other women who is better than them or does not believe in their ideology of hating men and is subjected to be pulled down, they may cry loud about body-shaming but when it comes to them they don't shy about criticizing other women attires, body type , career choices.
In its true sense feminist is a father who treats his daughter and son fairly. A feminist is a husband who respects his wife to make her choices without imposing his choices/opinions on her. A transgendered woman who like any other human being wants equal treatment and respect is a feminist in a way. Now propaganda can be attached to any noble movement , this is also the case with feminism , women irrespective of country, class, race and creed have raised their voices against the exploitation that has been faced by this sex for ages and it is the reason why women like me and you are able to get educated, employed, marry the partner of their choice , vote for the government and so forth .So, one should not contaminate there efforts just for some limelight and publicity that can question the authenticity of this movement altogether.