5 personal growth Targets that you can set for the year 2024

5 min readNov 30, 2023


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As the new year is approaching , we all have list of things that we were able to finish as per our set timelines this year whereas certain part still would be half — done or has not started yet. Now it has been noticed that the major goals that an individual sets for themselves in the starting of the year falls categorically under these topics financial, relationships, career and personal growth. In an era were people are spending more time with technology which is inversely proportional to your emotional health also whether it be your personal or professional life pressure is increasing in all forms and thus in order to deal with such situations the inner strength needs to be discovered , channelised and nurtured.

I am emphasizing upon discovering this strength because we all have it within us but unfortunately we have been depending on outside resources or stimulants to tackle the challenges coming our way as a result of which we are failing to take responsibilities of our actions and blaming it on people and circumstances for the misery we are in , currently individuals take pride in telling how stressed they are and can do nothing but live with it or take up a fancy course on Stress Management which in itself is a booming business altogether .

Here are 5 extremely simple and effortless steps that will help you in your Personal Growth Journey . So lets begin

1. Making Prayer A Daily Part Of Your Life

Source : www.canva.com

No matter which religion, faith, sect or origin you belong to , few lines to the supreme force with your own personal touch after waking up and before going to bed will definitely make you optimistic for the day and moreover the feeling of having someone watching over gives you a sense of relief that you will be guided well towards your goal.

2. Developing a Habit to read

Source: www.canva.com

Here I am not talking about newspapers and magazines , you can go through them too but not in the start of your day , reserve them for later the world will not come down if a few headlines or gossips catch you later in the evening . Reserve few minutes of your morning before you go out with your daily schedule or if not morning than surely before going to bed , ditch your social media and read at least 2 pages of a good book it can be self-help, works on eminent personalities or if that’s heavy to start with you can go for any genre of your choice but make sure that it shouldn’t be very stimulative to your senses instead it should fill you with vision and motivation. It will open up new horizons of information which if implemented properly can help you shape the future of your choice.

3. Move Your Body

Source : www.canva.com

You don’t have to go for any expensive gym membership for it instead its the easiest and cheapest way to help you with the dopamine kick that people spend fortune on . Simply you need to set a goal of 10–20 minutes/ day body movement it can be walking , running, yoga whatever suits you. If consistently this target is met than you can easily go and achieve bigger goals of healthy living as well ,needless to emphasize on how good health plays a pivotal role in all areas of our life.

4. Taking Out Time For you Loved Ones

Source : www.canva.com

I cannot emphasize more on this part because family and friends are the ones , who make you socially relevant , people cutting off themselves from the real world end up in the most darkest of places in life. Prioritizing family time is as important as ME time. You can start with having any 1 meal of the day with your loved ones and avoiding all kind of distractions like smartphones, television etc during that period , focus on having conversations with each other if not long than short ones will also do. It will help you in opening up to people for whom you matter the most, plan an outing with your old friend circle visit your favourite places avoid going to movies or shopping because it will not help in setting up an organic interaction between you.

5. Learning A New Skill

Source: www.canva.com

Upskilling yourself is always what separates you from the crowd. This year focus on learning new skill like a new language, learn to drive, swim, paint the possibilities are endless, dedicate only 10 minutes of your day on this and notice a positive change in your overall personality. Neurologists tell us that learning a new skill changes the physical structures of the brain. By stimulating neurons in the brain, more neural pathways are formed; the more pathways that are formed, the faster impulses can travel . Learning keeps your mind engaged and body active. It helps you get new and knowledge-based perspectives on the world around you. It helps you gain new experiences, trains your brain to handle a wide range of challenges, and keeps your neural pathways active.

So, enjoy a new version of yourself in this coming year by inculcating any of these or all 5 habits. Cheers to the new YOU!!




Written by Shilpajaiswal

I am a writing enthusiast who focuses on topics like Ecommerce, lifestyle, relationship, self-care, history and current affairs

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